Rabbit By Claudia Coutu Radmore

Rabbit  By Claudia Coutu Radmore

Rabbit By Claudia Coutu Radmore

Radmore offers up clever verse and winsome thoughts and feelings in this collection of a variety of poems.

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Reviewed by LB Sedlacek

Radmore offers up clever verse and winsome thoughts and feelings in this collection of a variety of poems.  From the poem “the epitomes”: “from within earth’s accumulation of words, no one knows what / human means; as broken symmetries can create compositional.”  She creates poems of different sizes and shapes and molds them into fascinating moments that may leave you with lingering questions, tender yearnings or even substantial understanding.  There is a fine but brilliant nuance to her work.  She will leave you under the hue of poetry with these poems.  Her voice is fresh.  Everything is simply all there.