Poetic Connections ed. Tamaso Lonsdale, Publisher: Cyberwit.net (July 22, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-8182534278, Paperback: 83 pages

Poetic Connections ed. Tamaso Lonsdale, Publisher: Cyberwit.net (July 22, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-8182534278, Paperback: 83 pages

Poetic Connections ed. Tamaso Lonsdale, Publisher: Cyberwit.net (July 22, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-8182534278, Paperback: 83 pages

The book is divided in six chapters, featuring poems by Laura, Natalie and Rob, from Australia, and Aju, Sunil and Jaydeep from India. This is an extraordinary work that combines beautiful images with philosophical aphorisms. It succeeds in drawing the at

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The book is divided in six chapters, featuring poems by Laura, Natalie and Rob, from Australia, and Aju, Sunil and Jaydeep from India. This is an extraordinary work that combines beautiful images with philosophical aphorisms. It succeeds in drawing the attention of the readers to contemporary problems, which haunts us incessantly. Romance and its universal language are important ingredients in this awesome poetry anthology. Its poetry possesses the ability to move the heart and brain at the same time. 

In the poems written by Laura romance melts mysteriously with the cultural characteristics of Australian idiosyncrasy creating a mirror where we may find the identity of the author herself. Each word in her poems is like an axe off each part of her soul to make us enter into it and discover its strange miracles.
The poems by Natalie are like haiku, moved by ecological rhymes around Nature. The diverse forms and colors make the author throw herself into her marvelous environment. The author like a naïve sailor navigates life with pure, uncontaminated eyes and creates a point of view that awesomely makes the reader become innocent as a child. It is all an experience.
The poems by Rob are more classical in their shape around Shakespearian rhymes and style, but modernly realistic in its matter, always near to real life in different epochs.
The first part is strictly a mirror where we find three examples of different kinds of Australian poetry.
The second part starts with my old friend, the well known poet from India, Aju. I am a true admirer of his poetry, as well as all good Indian poetry. For example, when he says
And quiet flows the river 
Without a ripper or shiver
I love the sounds, like an onomatopoeia of the river itself.
But then he surprises us with society poetry about fundamentalism and other actual problems of this 21 Century.
Regarding Sunil´s poetry, he uses a method more direct, structured, enigmatically short and synthetical.  His poetry is conceptual, theoretical and even abstract. This kind of free verse is very much the type many young poets from South America are using, in the style of Alejandra Pizarnik, a young Argentinean poetess who committed suicide.
Jaydeep’s poetry reminds me of Neruda, the best Spanish poet of the twentieth century. He creates an atmosphere where inner world captivates the reader´s attention over reality.
The truth-seeking aspects of the writer´s mind embrace the reader´s mind and a bridge of understanding shows off all humanity in his verses.
There is no distance, no race, no ethnic differences between writer and reader and both enter the same boat over an ocean of mysteries. He is aware of peace matters as well as philosophical meanings in the inner world.
I love this kind of writing.