Ouvert Oeuvre: Openings by Adeena Karasick (Author), Warren Lehrer (Artist)
Publisher : Dialogos / Lavender Ink (October 5, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 106 pages
ISBN-10 : 1956921133
ISBN-13 : 978-1956921137
Item Weight : 6.9 ounces
Words are playful and poetic, playing with the idea of touch and its many meanings. The phrase "s'écrit" suggests a kind of writing or inscription, emphasizing the power of touch to leave a lasting mark on our lives.
There is a sense of movement and fluidity in allwords, as if we are brushing past someone or something, experiencing a fleeting moment of connection. The repetition of the word "touch" adds to this sense of movement, as if the act of touching is itself a kind of journey.
The line "it's all touch and go" suggests a sense of uncertainty or risk, emphasizing the vulnerability that comes with opening ourselves up to touch and connection. Despite this, there is a sense of pleasure and sensuality in all words, as if the act of touching is itself a kind of pleasure.
The use of language - "retouched n touched upon, touche be told, just touch base, touch would" - adds to the playful and poetic tone of lines, emphasizing the many ways in which touch can be experienced and expressed.
Overall, words capture the complexity and richness of touch, with its ability to connect us to others, to leave a lasting impression, and to bring us pleasure and joy.
as i brush by you
touched by love’s own s’écrit, it’s all touch
and go, as i hear, taste, touch to my tongue,
all retouched n touched upon, touche be told,
just touch base, touch would;
The poet create a sense of openness and possibility, with repeated references to opening and the many things that can be opened - from a reader's mind and a wardrobe, to the sea and a microphone. There is a sense of exploration and discovery in poems, as if we are searching for something that can only be found by opening of new experiences and ideas.
The use of language is poetic and evocative, with phrases like "cold open" and "whispered screams" creating a sense of contrast and tension. There is also a sense of intimacy and sensuality in poems, as if we are exploring the body and the senses through the act of opening.
The repetition of "open" creates a sense of rhythm and flow, emphasizing the idea of movement and change.
The final phrase, "Opening in the gloaming," adds to the sense of mystery and wonder in lines, emphasizing the idea that there is always something new to discover, even in the darkest and most uncertain moments.
Overall, the poem captures the beauty and complexity of opening ourselves up to new experiences and ideas, suggesting that the act of opening can be both transformative and deeply rewarding.
I will recommed this book for all poetry lovers.
-Ruchi Agarwal