Swans to Carry Me by Earl Vincent de Berge
The author states that his book “presents some of my reflections on environment, society, aging, religion, time and peace of mind” and there’s a “focus is on the animal world which has enriched my life for eight decades.” It is a delightful compilation indeed to see an author present their works as they have lived in them or lived through them.
Amazon USASwans to Carry Me by Earl Vincent de Berge
ISBN: 978-93-90601-78-3 Copyright 2022, Cyberwit.net
Reviewed by LB Sedlacek
A celebration of life, so to speak, awaits in this new collection from Earl Vincent de Berge. The two sections in this spectacular presentation of thoughts and ideas and the author’s real-life experiences are taken from his own reflections and from his personal journeys.
He uses some of his photos and what he terms “photo abstractions” throughout the book. These add to flavor each work on which they share the same page.
The author states that his book “presents some of my reflections on environment, society, aging, religion, time and peace of mind” and there’s a “focus is on the animal world which has enriched my life for eight decades.” It is a delightful compilation indeed to see an author present their works as they have lived in them or lived through them.
Each piece includes a date/year and sometimes a place where it was written and/or an explanation of the inspiration for it. Poems for the most part are free verse with some forms sprinkled in here and there. Themes range from time and trains to Field and Stream magazine to extinction, Facebook, and bees, lizards and dogs and so many other varieties.
From the poem “Eclectic Composer”:
“Awakening on my desert pillow,
pre-dawn tranquility engulfs me,
eyes fill with the star-packed sky.
What brought that old memory?”
Earl Vincent de Berge’s prose is simply spellbinding. He captures the essential and gives it that spark that is not only relatable to the reader, but makes them want to keep reading to find out more, to learn more about what is behind each moment beneath and surrounding the words.
From the poem “Race to Perdition”:
“A quarter moon slowly arcs through
oceans of stars burning tiny random holes
in our jet black canopy. Each star a diamond
bringing universal messages audible to those
able to commune with galaxies and suns.”
The author’s poems are comforting. He is able to communicated his messages quite well. He uses generous visuals to convey his voice, to represent his world view through poems.
“Swans to Carry Me” is an intimate triumph. It has a natural feel to it which is both beautiful and brave all at the same time. Sharing in his memories through his poetry will tug at your heart.
~LB Sedlacek is the author of “The Poet Next Door,” “Simultaneous Submissions,” “Ghost Policy,” “I’m No Robot,” “Words and Bones,” “Swim,” “Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories,” and “The Jackalope Committee & Other Short Stories.”