Daily Hunger By Nina Nencheva
Nina Nencheva writes with a bold voice in this new collection of poems. Each poem is refreshing and original. She is adept at using line breaks and short verses to convey her thoughts, feelings and her world poetical.
Amazon USADaily Hunger
By Nina Nencheva
56 pages
ISBN: 978-81-8253-777-4
Copyright 2021
Review by LB Sedlacek
Nina Nencheva writes with a bold voice in this new collection of poems. Each poem is refreshing and original. She is adept at using line breaks and short verses to convey her thoughts, feelings and her world poetical.
From the poem “You were kissing me”
“under the chestnut trees, wet with rain,
when the sky took a picture of us
with a lightning flash….”
It takes skill to complete your poem’s message in a brief form. Using less words, more space is part of making a poem. Her works really stand out because there’s a lot to be said in her poems much like the saying goes, less is more.
From the poem “The comet is a dog”
doubt the poet is an alien -
he has metaphors
for breakfast”
Her poems speak to the every day but there’s more underneath each line. From the poem “The fish began crying”: “but no one saw his tears.”
You will think while reading these poems, but also enjoy them. How imaginative! They are a joy to read, but they also get the mind going and thinking about all that’s going on within each verse.
Nencheva has achieved writings place together in a solid compilation that really works. Each poem is worthy of several reads. If you love quotes as much as I do, there are many quotable lines here as well.
“Daily Hunger” is an example of a poetry book put together with much consideration for each and every line and how they work with the overall poem. From the poem “Starting over always”: “…and despite being a path / that has a past, I start / each day from the beginning.”
This book of poems is like reading poetry for the first time. Nencheva’s poems are like new beginnings and old stories meshed together into one. Highly enjoyable to read!
~LB Sedlacek is the author of the poetry collections “I’m No ROBOT,” “This Space Available,” “Words and Bones,” “The Blue Eyed Side,” “Simultaneous Submissions,” “Swim,” and “The Poet Next Door.” Her non-fiction books include “The Poet Protection Plan” and “Electric Melt: How to Write, Publish, Read Walt Whitman and Survive as a Writer and Poet). Her short story collection is entitled “Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories.” She writes poetry reviews for www.thepoetrymarket.com You can find out more: www.lbsedlacek.com