Health Carefully By Jesse Tsinajinnie Maloney

Health Carefully By Jesse Tsinajinnie Maloney

Health Carefully By Jesse Tsinajinnie Maloney

The title of this book of poetry is unique. What poems might be found inside a book with such a name?

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“Health Carefully”

By Jesse Tsinajinnie Maloney

70 pages

ISBN: 978-93-88125-99-4


Copyright 2019


Review by LB Sedlacek


The title of this book of poetry is unique.  What poems might be found inside a book with such a name?


The first poem delivers us into the southwest.  The second poem conjures up Tuba City and Route 66.


It’s not like the TV shows or movies.  I took several trips there with my parents years ago.  It’s beautiful country.  But of course, there’s more that lies beneath and beyond what a traveling tourist would see or experience.


Maloney’s jolting images and alarming text will get your juices going, your heart thumping, your head throbbing.  He uses his verses to sucker punch you in the gut and that’s a good thing.  Wake up and think, he writes in a truly thought-provoking pure original style.


From the poem “The Time Traveler”:

“He shuffled down

the Navajo side

of highway 160 West.

A quart of mint mouthwash in,

he did not feel the grille

of the rig lift him and

send him in flight

across three lanes

and a time zone.”


This poem isn’t futuristic or a take-off on the ever popular plot of what seems like any modern sci fi TV or movie these days, time travel.  It’s about a man named Tim Yazzie and a hit and run.  Just another lost soul walking down the road and run down and gone without anyone giving it a second thought.


He writes lines like these:  “Let the coffin shut / and seal what’s left of / her” (from the poem “Loved”).  It’s the kind of writing that cuts right to the heart.


From the poem “Superman Versus the Polar Bears”:

He cannot fly.

He cannot wear a cape.

No laser blasts

from his eyes.


Maloney’s voice is all is own.  He tackles a wide range of subjects in this poetry book. 

The book is divided into four sections.  Most of the poems are free verse with some prose as well. 


From the poem “Perfect”: 

“Take a Polaroid picture of God.  Shake it and then place

His image on the copy machine glass face down.”


Maloney’s lines are just about perfect themselves.  If you’re looking for original poems, look no further.  This is good stuff!



~LB Sedlacek is the author of the poetry collections “I’m No ROBOT,” “This Space Available,” “Words and Bones,” “The Blue Eyed Side,” “Simultaneous Submissions,” “Swim,” and “The Poet Next Door.”  Her non-fiction books include “The Poet Protection Plan” and “Electric Melt:  How to Write, Publish, Read Walt Whitman and Survive as a Writer and Poet).  Her short story collection is entitled “Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories.”  She writes poetry reviews for  You can find out more: